Assignment 3 - Python


Due Date: Saturday, May 9 at 11:59pm (No late submissions)

NOTE: Due to the timing of the exam, solutions will be released right after the assignment due date. Therefore, no late submissions are allowed for this assignment.


Honor Code: Under the Honor Code at Stanford, you are expected to submit your own original work for assignments, projects, and exams. On many occasions when working on assignments or projects (but never exams!) it is useful to ask others -- the instructor, the TAs, or other students -- for hints, or to talk generally about aspects of the assignment. Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged, but you must indicate on all submitted work any assistance that you received. Any assistance received that is not given proper citation will be considered a violation of the Honor Code. In any event, you are responsible for understanding, writing up, and being able to explain all work that you submit. The course staff will pursue aggressively all suspected cases of Honor Code violations, and they will be handled through official University channels.


This assignment uses the same datasets from past assignments (Teams.csv, Players.csv, and Titanic.csv). See setup instructions below.

Setup Instructions:

We will be using Instabase for this assignment.

  1. You will need the files found at the following link copied to your personal Instabase account: Assignment 3.
    To copy files to your personal Instabase account, first select all of the files by pressing the "Shift" key while simultaneously clicking on each of the files. This will cause an "Actions" dropdown menu to appear above the file names. Click on this dropdown menu, choose "Copy To", and then copy the files over to your own private Instabase folder (you can create a new private folder at this step if you want). Once you've done this, you should have a private copy of the assignment to work on.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you copied the files to, and the folder should contain PythonAssign.ipynb, Players.csv, Teams.csv, and Titanic.csv. Right-click on PythonAssign.ipynb and select Open With > Jupyter. (If you simply double-click on it, it will show you the file but will not run Jupyter notebooks.) Sometimes it will take a minute or so for a new Jupyter server to start up on your behalf. Once it does, you are ready to go! In the notebook you will see clearly where you need to add code for the different problems.

Submission Instructions:

Submitting your Jupyter Notebook

For Notebook submission, you'll be uploading a copy of the Notebook file through Gradescope.

Submitting through Gradescope

  1. Download your Juypter Notebook as a .ipynb file. With your Notebook pulled up in Instabase, go to Open With > Download. This will automatically download your Notebook as a .ipynb file.
  2. Go to the CS102 class in Gradescope and click on Assignment 3: Python.
  3. Upload your .ipynb file. You may submit as many times as you like before the submission deadline, and we will use your latest submission for both grading and the late policy.


Complete the problems in PythonAssign.ipynb. Please follow the setup instructions above to create your own copy of the assignment. Make sure that the data (Players.csv, Teams.csv, Titanic.csv) is in the same folder as the notebook.